Numerica is an independent consulting firm with a fresh perspective and setting new standards in analytics, actuarial services and financial computing.
Numerica has transformed the consulting landscape by making heavy use of information technology, and using an evidence-based approach.
Numerica team consists of professional actuaries, from premier educational institutes and having diverse international experience.
Numerica works with a wide range of organisations, ranging from small and medium-sized companies to large public sector units and multinational corporations.
Reporting under AS 15, IAS 19, Ind AS 19 etc.
Funding and scheme design
Share-based and flexible benefit schemes
Mergers and acquisitions
Pricing and product development
Statutory valuation and reporting
Actuarial transformation
Whether starting afresh or considering a review, partner with us to understand your requirements, appraise the available data systems and set you up to realise the benefits of data science.
Valuation of financial contracts as per IFRS 9, customer loyalty programmes as per IFRS 15, contingent liability on account of product warranties as per IAS 37, credit guarantees and complex loans.
Numerica is different. Our values and principles are reflected in how we work. Learn about what we have to offer.
Numerica offers a unique work environment. We have a culture of openness and transparency throughout the organisation.
At Numerica, exceeding expectations is the expectation. Our clients expect nothing less from us. Be flexible, remain open to learn new things.
Browse our open positions and apply for a role that matches your expectations.
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Browse through our publications, many of which have been published in the journals of professional actuarial and other organisations.
Check the discount rate to be used for actuarial valuation of benefit schemes under AS 15, Ind AS 19, and other types of actuarial and financial analyses.
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