Duration of liability for setting the discount rate for actuarial valuation

duration of liability for selecting discount rate for actuarial valuation

We are often asked questions about what is the “duration of liability” and how it impacts the discount rate use in the actuarial valuation of gratuity and leave encashment. We try to cover a few of these questions in this article. What is duration of liability? Duration of liability can be defined in more than […]

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4 ways in which Ind AS 102 can affect your company

4 ways in which Ind AS 102 can affect your company

Ind AS 102 will bring much needed uniformity in valuation and accounting of share-based benefits. However, the cost for the affected companies is likely to increase significantly. What Ind AS 102 is all about? Ind AS 102 prescribes financial reporting in respect of share-based benefits and is relevant for companies which remunerate their employees by share-based (or stock option) […]

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6 reasons why your pension reporting under IAS 19 may not be correct

IAS 19 - why your pension reporting may not be correct

Actuarial valuation and reporting of a pension scheme under IAS 19 is significantly more complex than other employee benefit plans. Several issues, which after often ignored, need to be understood and allowed for when reporting for pension schemes.

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Discount rate for actuarial valuation as at 31 March 2018

Discount rate for actuarial valuation 31 March 2018

It is the end of another financial year and time for companies to prepare their year-end financial statements for FY 2017-18. The discount rate for actuarial valuation as at 31 March 2018 is now known. This post explains the movement in the interest rate curves over the FY 2017-18 and how that is expected to […]

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Increase in gratuity limit to Rs 20 lakhs | Regulatory update

impact of increase in gratuity limit

The amendment to Payment of Gratuity (PG) Act, 1972, has finally come into force with the notification in the Gazette of India on 29 March 2018. This amendment has led to an increase in gratuity limit to Rs 20 lakhs, from Rs 10 lakhs earlier. The timing of this notification means that companies will need […]

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Actuarial valuation of gratuity – sensitivity to assumptions and employee profile

actuarial valuation of gratuity sensitivity

What are the factors that will have an impact on the actuarial valuation of gratuity liability? What will be the magnitude of this impact? How will the gratuity liability impacted if the government increases gratuity limit to ₹20 lakhs? These are questions about the actuarial valuation of gratuity which almost every company’s management team wants […]

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Discount rate for actuarial valuation as at 31 Dec 2017

Discount rate chart

For many companies, this is the time to finalise their interim accounts for the third quarter of FY 2017-18. An understanding of the movement in discount rate during this period will help in making an appropriate provision towards employee benefits liabilities. Comparison of yield curves: 31 Dec 2017 vs 31 Mar 2017 The discount rate […]

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Actuarial valuation of pension liability in corporate transactions

actuarial valuation of pension in mergers and acquisitions

During corporate transactions, such as mergers and acquisition, actuarial valuation of pension and other employee benefit schemes is often ignored. The parties involved in the transaction spend most of their time and focus on ‘tangible’ aspects of the balance sheet. They end up taking ‘shortcuts’ or proxy approaches with disastrous consequences for their shareholders. I […]

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Why don’t we need actuarial valuation of future salary?

actuarial valuation of employee benefits

We often get asked: is actuarial valuation of future salary needed? Or, why don’t we just calculate the present value of future salary and hold that as a liability, just like we do for gratuity benefits? Though AS 15 and Ind AS 19, both deal with the treatment of all employee benefits (except share based payments), […]

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Gratuity taxation – how it applies to your company

tax on gratuity

Almost all Indian companies (more than 10 employees) pay gratuity to their employees. Since, gratuity payments are an expense to the company, companies can claim tax-deduction on the same. You can read about Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 here.

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